The following project represents a hypothetical academic exercise.
It does not reflect work endorsed by the representative brand.
My Role: User Researcher
Duration: 14 weeks
Under the guidance of Professor Sara Hall & Professor Remi Gurak
Innovating for people - luma institute
How can we optimize a voice Bot to help improve Food Security by Bridging the Digital Gap in Philadelphia?
How to reduce food insecurity in working class households that are not eligible for federal food assistance?
Abstract Laddering
I began my secondary research by understanding food security and existing solutions in the US and the intertwining factors that affect households and levels of implication while getting food assistance. The combination of Secondary Research and Mind Map analysis helped me understand the causes and implications of food insecurity and its deep implications for an individual.
I needed information to deeply empathize with people facing food insecurity and its different problem areas. During the Abstract laddering phase, there was a pattern related to information accessibility in the digital information age; the digital divide is also prominent. The pandemic played a significant role in diverting the country’s resources, and there was a mix of information available for people seeking food. One could find help through communities on social networks like Reddit and Facebook, which gave details on applying for SNAP and finding resources in some areas. But the response rate would vary, and information might be completely reliable.
The next phase was to understand how an individual would find information and food with variables like single vs. family, impacts of the pandemic, and students vs. workers.
Refined Problem Statement:
There is no doubt that food programs help treat hunger, alongside NGOs help fight hunger. Yet, food insecurity remains a significant challenge. Why? There can be numerous reasons! What do individuals do when they need food information? What barriers do they face while searching for food information? Who do they rely on, if not federal food assistance and NGOs?
How might we equip individuals facing food insecurity with reliable information enabling them to find available food distributor sites, programs, and resources in their area?
User Interview and Survey:
I drafted a survey, sent it to many platforms, contacted NGOs, volunteered, and interviewed potential users. It was challenging to balance my interview guide and the user's storytelling.
I interviewed 15 people, and my main focus was to understand their situation and emotions, where they get their information related to food, and the variables influencing it.
What is Food Insecurity?
Food Insecurity occurs when a household lacks access to affordable and nutritious food due to financial insecurity and other reasons. It may be a long-term or temporary issue influenced by social stratification, employment, income, race/ethnicity, underlying conditions (or comorbidities), or unforeseen circumstances.
Many organizations and programs are working towards providing healthy foods and achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2, Zero Hunger by 2030. Yet, One in Three people in the world suffers from food insecurity.
How can we reduce food insecurity? How many people are affected by it? What is it like in Philadelphia?
Insight from the User Interviews & Surveys:
Secondary Research
Fly-On-The Wall Observation
I volunteered at a shelter and observed a heavily monitored and guarded location. People seeking food and shelter went through a screening process. Food items present were donated and were in limited quantity. There were about 35 people inside, and all had to wait for their turn, hoping they get what they wanted before it ran out. Most of them got to know about food information through word of mouth, 211, or social workers. One of the volunteers said, "I try to be empathetic to their situation, but sometimes I have to be hard on them; otherwise, we'll have no food for others."
Interestingly, they had a few people waiting outside; she called Blue line, meaning they had just walked in without screening. They would give them food out and send them back.
TollFree VoiceBot
Collaboration between the Government & Communities
Access to food information is essential in enabling people to fight food insecurity and make a difference in their lives and communities. Considering the digital divide, a localized system focused on bridging the gap between food information and accessibility will help reduce food insecurity. The solution can combine technology, old-school poster distribution, and community-driven.
To bridge the gap between individuals and available food resources and information by having a VoiceBot as the intermediate. An individual can call toll-free Food Assistance to get information on food availability in their area and connect to the nearest organization. Voicebot can continue to help assist the users until they reach the location and see the available resources. VoiceBot could also make donating food easier.
Concept Poster:
Future Scope:
Mapping the Conversation Flow
Building Bot Persona
Usability Testing.
Take Away:
I encountered some challenges working on this project, especially during the interview phase. Recruiting and formulating questions for different target segments got a little complicated since it was a complex topic. I observed that facing food insecurity impacted my participant's confidence and mental state. It took some time for my participants to feel comfortable and trust me.
Managing and keeping my role as a Researcher while being empathetic was a challenge I overcame; by reminding myself of my role and responsibilities. Overall, understanding and combining research methods to get the necessary insights while considering the biases was an exciting and impressive part of this project. Through this project, I learned to be hopeful toward a food-secure world through our collective efforts.
((Feel free to reach out to me via email if you'd like to talk more about this project!))